Monday, March 31, 2008

Homework for Thursday, April 3rd

1. Work on extra credit assignment (if you opt to complete this). The handouts can be found at the bottom of the page under Final Portfolio and Extra Credit Assignments.

2. Continue to work on the Assessment Activity (under Homework and Class Assignments). You may post individual responses as you complete them as opposed to waiting to complete all of them. Just be sure to include which question you are responding to along with your answer.

3. Based upon peer review, revise the analysis paper. Email me your final copy ( by 2 p.m.


428thMP said...

if we already completed the extra credit assignment, can we post it on our blog?

428thMP said...

HOw Long do the answers on the assesment need to be, like how much in detail, b/c i'm not sure if my forst one is good enough, I posted it, if i need 2 add plz let me kno and i'll resubmit, I'm trying to get a good grade, thank you

Andrea Stemaly said...

There's no official length that is needed for each answer-just as long as each question is fully addressed, you'll do fine.