Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Homework for Thursday, February 28th

Since Spring Break is approaching, this is going to be an easy week. After you complete the readings, give a brief discussion (about a paragraph) of what you think constitute the key features of an analysis. You don't have to respond to your groups' posts this week, but of course, you can still read them!

  1. Read “Culture of Commercialism”
  1. In NFG, read “Analyzing a Text” pg. 39-59, “Parallel Worlds”, 519-524, and “Lurid Numbers on Glossy Pages”, pg. 525-530
  1. Begin thinking of an analysis topic!

Monday, February 18, 2008

Homework for Thursday, February 21st

1. Utilizing the Topic Sentence Worksheet, create the outline for your individual paper and post on your blog. If you have trouble with the last couple of questions, reread the chapter "Beginning and Ending" on page 239.

2. Find an online ethnographic article (preferably one depicting your chosen subculture) that you think presents the key features of the profile genre discussed on pg. 154., and post a link on your blog. Examine the overall structure and organization of this article to gain some additional perspective for your paper.

3. I would like to hear your thoughts on the structure of this class, with one day in class and the other day working independently.
  • Do you feel writing and submitting homework assignments in the form of blog posts is altering your content and amount of thought put into assignments?
  • Is the aspect of reading and responding to other posts, along with having the same critique done to your work, a benefit?
  • Are you becoming increasingly aware of audience and purpose as you write?
  • Would you recommend that future sections of English 1050 be taught in this manner, or would you prefer to revert to a "regular" class structure that meets twice a week?

Friday, February 15, 2008

Mid-Term Grades

I will post your mid-term grades on GOWMU over spring break (after I finish grading Paper #2).

2nd Paper Due Dates

The rough draft of the Ethnography paper is due on Tuesday, February 26th for peer review. Due to popular demand:), some of you will be doing an open review, while the rest of you who choose to remain anonymous may do so.
The final draft is due to me on Thursday, February 28th by 2 p.m., and you must email it as an attachment.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Citation Site

To aid you with your Works Cited page (which you must have for your paper), try utilizing this site since it formats your entry for you.

Homework for Thursday, February 14th

1. On your blog, list one or two subcultures you're interested in using for Assignment #2. Also include what components, such as dress, language, etc., you would like to include for each listed group.

2. Post your impression of the first peer review. Was it helpful? In what way(s)? Could it be improved, and if so, how?

3. Read the chapter "Definition", pages 275-284, and then practice writing your own one-paragraph (7-12 sentences) definition to show an understanding of this component. Choose from one of the following topics, and give your own personal definition (don't use a dictionary definition!) of how you would define this topic. Include three different aspects, or definitions, for said topic.

-When is someone "educated"?
-The middle-class
-Choose your own topic

Of course, you'll post this paragraph on your blog:) Also, read through other responses. Are they following the features of the Definition genre? If not, give a few pointers!

4. Revise Paper #1 for submission. It is due by 2 p.m. on Tuesday, February 19th, and it may be submitted in class or via an email attachment.

5. Read the chapter "Beginnings and Endings". This can offer some helpful tips for writing your introduction and conclusion!

6. If you weren't in class on Tuesday, read the "Profile" chapter, pgs. 153-159.

7. To find the next paper assignment, an Ethnography, go to the main blog and scroll down until you see Ethnography Writing Assignment and Sample Features.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Peer Review and Paper Due Date

Due to class majority, peer review shall be anoymous. This means for the review on Tuesday, February 12th, you will print your paper with no name. I will then collect and distribute them among the class, along with a guideline sheet to aid you with commentary. In order to receive full credit for the day, you should have a full rough draft; that is, it should be as close to done as you can get it!

Based upon the received feedback, you will then have time to revise your draft before submitting it to me for grading on Tuesday, February 19th. I will accept either the traditional paper format in class or an email attachment by 2 p.m. on the 19th.

Homework for Thursday, February 7th

1. Complete the project proposal and post on your blog. When reading and responding to other proposals, look for necessay paper components the author may have missed. For example, is there mention of the history and background of the topic? Does it sound like enough support will be provided to support the argument?

2. Complete Research Exercise #2 and post on your blog. Please be diligent with both your attribution and in-text citations within your paragraphs. This activity provides great paraphrasing practice!

(Both of the above assignments will be given to you in class.)

3. Read 1 of the 6 argument essays that begin on page 582. On your blog, discuss whether your chosen essay contains the necessary argumentative components, or features, listed in the Norton Field Guide, which can be found in the chapter discussing writing in the argument genre. If the essay does not contain the necessary components, what is missing?

Saturday, February 2, 2008


For each blog post created, you will receive "homework" points as long as two conditions are met: the assignment was fully addressed and some honest thought and effort went into the response. Some students are not receiving full credit for the 1st Research Exercise since there was no indication that the text was looked at, and the paraphrasing portion was missing. Just remember, when you're completing the assignments, points add up quickly!